Once you’ve made your account with SiteGPT, you will get the window to create your first chatbot.


Click on Create New chatbot.

Create Chatbot


Simply copy and paste your website’s URL and click Fetch Links .

Create Chatbot
Create Chatbot


The system will automatically fetch all the individual links from your website. Once fetched, select all of them by checking the URL checkbox.

Create Chatbot


If you want to fetch additional links, simply click Fetch Additional Links.


You can also choose to upload a Single Link, a Sitemap, a Zendesk Link or a Gitbook Link as your data type.


Once you’re satisfied with the data type, click on Next to move to the next step.


In the next step, you can customize your chatbot. The menu on the left side will help you create a personalised look for your chatbot, and the preview on the right side will show you how your chatbot will look.

Customize Chatbot


You can name your chatbot, enter a personalised welcome message for your customers, and input a placeholder text to customize everything text related to your chatbot.


Simply scroll down to customize further.

Customize Chatbot


You can further personalise the interface by scrolling down and choosing to hide sources, hide tooltip, hide feedback buttons and turn on RTL mode.

Customize Chatbot


SiteGPT also allows you to customize your chat icon. You can upload bot, user, agent, and bubble icons. You can also change the position of the chatbot, chat icon size, distance from the bottom and horizontal distance.


Once you’re done customising your chatbot, click on Create Chatbot to finish.

Customize Chatbot

Want to hide the SiteGPT Branding? Get the Remove SiteGPT Branding add-on.

If you’re unsure how to customize your chatbot just yet, don’t worry! You can customize your chatbot later from your dashboard. Welcome to the content that you can only see inside the first Tab.