API Documentation
Chatbot Appearance
Chatbot Custom Content
Chatbot Follow Up Prompts
Chatbot Icons
Chatbot Links
Chatbot Messages
Chatbot Personas
Chatbot Prompts
Chatbot Quick Prompts
Chatbot Settings
Chatbot Threads
Fetch Chatbot
Fetch a particular chatbot
curl --request GET \
--url https://sitegpt.ai/api/v0/chatbots/{chatbotId} \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
"success": true,
"message": "Fetched the chatbot successfully",
"data": {
"chatbot": {
"id": "365062873485935184",
"title": "My Bot",
"description": "This is a test chatbot",
"createdById": "360596271623307865",
"createdByEmail": "saidheeraj.kumar04@gmail.com",
"suggestions": [
"id": "538aa9ca-ef69-4a1a-a6a2-ba1f62f05c43",
"title": "Contact us",
"description": "How to contact you?",
"link": "https://sitegpt.ai/contact-us"
"id": "40ffc3fe-9d74-439c-bfec-8b0d69a94836",
"title": "Yo",
"description": "Hey what's up?"
"nextSuggestions": [
"id": "dd6480d7-33da-4943-a5f5-24d7593ec62e",
"title": "Elaborate",
"link": "",
"description": "Explain this in layman language",
"isEscalationPrompt": false
"prompts": [
"id": "042686d9-b695-4dc5-aa11-58706284d45e",
"title": "Random",
"description": "Random prompt",
"instructions": "You should provide random information",
"temperature": 0.9
"id": "78ac8ecd-d889-4700-8c8c-162c92731ff9",
"title": "Factual",
"description": "Factual Prompt",
"instructions": "You should provide only facts",
"temperature": 0.1
"settings": {
"mode": "AGENT",
"tooltip": "Want to know anything about the porduct?",
"welcomeMessage": "Hello! How can I assist you today?",
"placeholderText": "Ask me anything...",
"brandColor": "#2563eb",
"hideSources": false,
"hideTooltip": false,
"hideWatermark": false,
"watermarkText": "Powered by SiteGPT",
"watermarkIconSrcId": "",
"watermarkLink": "https://sitegpt.ai",
"distanceFromBottom": 16,
"horizontalDistance": 16,
"fontSize": 14,
"iconSize": "SMALL",
"iconPosition": "RIGHT",
"height": 85,
"ctaLink": "",
"ctaText": "",
"iconSrcId": "",
"personIconSrcId": "",
"brandTextColor": "#FFFFFF",
"hideFeedbackButtons": false,
"rtl": false,
"agentIconSrcId": "",
"bubbleIconSrcId": "",
"localization": {
"learnMore": "Learn more",
"chatHome": {
"home": "Home",
"addDetails": "Add details",
"startConversation": "Start a conversation",
"starting": "Starting..."
"chatMessages": {
"messages": "Messages",
"noMessages": "No Messages",
"loginToSeeHistory": "Verify your email to save your conversation history.",
"historyShowsUpHere": "Your conversation history shows up here.",
"verifyEmail": "Verify your email",
"startConversation": "Start a conversation",
"starting": "Starting..."
"chatMessage": {
"botName": "Bot",
"yourName": "You",
"agentName": "Agent",
"escalationHeading": "Are you sure you want to escalate the chat to human support?",
"escalationSubHeading": "This conversation will be shared with the human support and they will get back to you as soon as they can.",
"yesContinue": "Yes, continue",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"conversationEscalated": "👨💼 Conversation changed to human mode"
"chatAccount": {
"account": "Account",
"verifyEmail": "Verify your email",
"loginToSeeHistory": "Verify your email to save your chat history.",
"emailLabel": "Email",
"nameLabel": "Name",
"phoneLabel": "Phone Number",
"sendingOtp": "Sending OTP...",
"verifyOtp": "Verify OTP",
"sentOtpToEmail": "We sent the OTP to your email address",
"otp": "OTP",
"verifyAndContinue": "Verify & Continue",
"notReceivedOtpYet": "Didn't receive OTP yet?",
"resend": "Resend",
"editDetails": "Edit Details",
"resetting": "Resetting...",
"verifying": "Verifying...",
"logout": "Logout",
"loggingOut": "Logging out...",
"verified": "Verified",
"edit": "Edit",
"update": "Update",
"updating": "Updating..."
"systemPrompt": "You are a funny AI assistant and you answer the user queries based on the website content. Include jokes in your answer.",
"userPrompt": "You are an AI assistant who answers user questions based on the website content. Answer the questions in the same language as the language of the question.",
"promptId": "78ac8ecd-d889-4700-8c8c-162c92731ff9",
"historyCount": 4,
"temperature": 1,
"topK": 3,
"gptModel": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
"collectUserDetails": "DO_NOT_COLLECT",
"collectUserData": {
"name": false,
"phone": false
"creativity": "conservative",
"webhookUrl": "https://example.com",
"webhookToken": "abc123",
"extraData": "",
"metadata": {
"key1": "value1"
"customContent": null
Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer <token>
, where <token>
is your auth token.
Path Parameters
Id of the chatbot
Success Response
Indicates whether this is success response or error response
Overall message regarding the operation performed
Data returned from the server
Id of the chatbot
Title of the chatbot
Description of the chatbot
Id of the user that created this chatbot
Email of the user that created this chatbot
Custom content of the chatbot
Quick prompts of the chatbot
Chatbot Quick Prompt
Id of the quick-prompt
Title of the quick-prompt. This is the text that is shown as button in the chatbot.
Link of the quick prompt. If this link is not null, then when you click on the quick prompt in the chatbot, this link will be opened instead of sending a message to the chatbot.
Description of the quick-prompt. This is the message that will be sent to the chatbot when you click on the quick-prompt inside the chatbot.
List of prompts set by the user
Chatbot Prompt
Id of the prompt
Title of the prompt
Short description of the prompt
Actual instructions of the prompt. These will be sent to Open AI.
Decides creativity level of the chatbot response. 0 is more focused and 1 is more creative/random.
0 <= x <= 1
Must be a multiple of 0.01
Follow-up prompts of the chatbot
Follow Up Prompt
Id of the follow-up prompt.
Title of the follow-up-prompt. This is the text that is shown as button in the chatbot.
Link of the follow-up prompt. If this link is not null, then when you click on the follow-up prompt in the chatbot, this link will be opened instead of sending a message to the chatbot.
Description of the follow-up-prompt. This is the message that will be sent to the chatbot when you click on the follow-up-prompt inside the chatbot.
Indicates whether the follow-up prompt is escalation prompt or not.
Settings of the chatbot
This tooltip will be shown on the top of chatbot icon. If not set, welcome message will be shown as tooltip
The first message that the users will see in the chatbot
Placeholder text that users see before they type their question in the chat
Primary color of the chatbot
Primary text color of the chatbot
Indicates whether to display sources or not in the chatbot
Indicates whether to hide tooltip or not in the chatbot
Indicates whether to hide feedback buttons (for each reply) or not in the chatbot
Indicates whether to display the text in the chatbot right to left or opposite
Text to be shown as the watermark in the chatbot
Option to handle behaviour auto open chat window in desktop
Delay after which the chat window will shown in desktop when autoOpenChatWindowInDesktop is set to AUTO_OPEN_WITH_DELAY
Option to handle behaviour auto open chat window in mobile
Delay after which the chat window will shown in mobile when autoOpenChatWindowInMobile is set to AUTO_OPEN_WITH_DELAY
Indicates whether the watermark is shown in the chatbot or not
Url of the watermark to be shown in the chatbot
Distance from bottom (in px) where the chatbot icon should be shown
Horizantal distance (in px) where the chatbot icon should be shown
Font size of the text shown in chatbot (in px)
Possible options foe icon size of the chatbot
, XL
, 2XL
, 3XL
, 4XL
, 5XL
Possible options for icon position of the chatbot
Height of the chatbot
Call to Action text
Call to Action Link
Localization settings of the chatbot
Localization option for Learn more
Localization settings for home screen in the chatbot
Localization settings for messages screen in the chatbot
Localization settings for individual conversations in the chatbot
Localization settings for account screen in the chatbot
Max width of the chatbot
Url reference of the Bot icon
Url reference of the User/person icon
Url reference of the Agent icon
Url reference of the Watermark icon
Url reference of the Chat Buuble icon
Use this to change the tone of your chatbot and also give any additional instructions
Use this to change the instructions you give to your chatbot in the user prompt
Selected promptId that will be used as prompt to generate Open AI response
Option to disable smart followup questions generated by SiteGPT.
Number of smart follow up questions to be shown when enabled.
1 <= x <= 5
Must be a multiple of 1
Option to disable email notifications for new lead captures.
Number of history messages to be considered when answering the question
0 <= x <= 50
Must be a multiple of 1
Creativity meter of the chatbot. This is valid only when creativity of the chatbot is custom
0 <= x <= 2
Must be a multiple of 0.01
Number of relevant chunks to be fetched for answering the question
1 <= x <= 5
Must be a multiple of 1
All available GPT models
, gpt-4
Options of the creativity for the chatbot
, conservative
, creative
, custom
All messages are sent to this global webhook url if webhook url is not configured at thread level
This is the global webhook token that is sent in header in the calls made to the above webhook url for all messages if token is not configured at thread level
Mode of the chat
Options whether to collect user details or not
Any extra data you want to add to your chatbot.
Any metadata (key-value pairs) that you can assign to the chatbot. Key should be string and Value could be anything.
Was this page helpful?
curl --request GET \
--url https://sitegpt.ai/api/v0/chatbots/{chatbotId} \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
"success": true,
"message": "Fetched the chatbot successfully",
"data": {
"chatbot": {
"id": "365062873485935184",
"title": "My Bot",
"description": "This is a test chatbot",
"createdById": "360596271623307865",
"createdByEmail": "saidheeraj.kumar04@gmail.com",
"suggestions": [
"id": "538aa9ca-ef69-4a1a-a6a2-ba1f62f05c43",
"title": "Contact us",
"description": "How to contact you?",
"link": "https://sitegpt.ai/contact-us"
"id": "40ffc3fe-9d74-439c-bfec-8b0d69a94836",
"title": "Yo",
"description": "Hey what's up?"
"nextSuggestions": [
"id": "dd6480d7-33da-4943-a5f5-24d7593ec62e",
"title": "Elaborate",
"link": "",
"description": "Explain this in layman language",
"isEscalationPrompt": false
"prompts": [
"id": "042686d9-b695-4dc5-aa11-58706284d45e",
"title": "Random",
"description": "Random prompt",
"instructions": "You should provide random information",
"temperature": 0.9
"id": "78ac8ecd-d889-4700-8c8c-162c92731ff9",
"title": "Factual",
"description": "Factual Prompt",
"instructions": "You should provide only facts",
"temperature": 0.1
"settings": {
"mode": "AGENT",
"tooltip": "Want to know anything about the porduct?",
"welcomeMessage": "Hello! How can I assist you today?",
"placeholderText": "Ask me anything...",
"brandColor": "#2563eb",
"hideSources": false,
"hideTooltip": false,
"hideWatermark": false,
"watermarkText": "Powered by SiteGPT",
"watermarkIconSrcId": "",
"watermarkLink": "https://sitegpt.ai",
"distanceFromBottom": 16,
"horizontalDistance": 16,
"fontSize": 14,
"iconSize": "SMALL",
"iconPosition": "RIGHT",
"height": 85,
"ctaLink": "",
"ctaText": "",
"iconSrcId": "",
"personIconSrcId": "",
"brandTextColor": "#FFFFFF",
"hideFeedbackButtons": false,
"rtl": false,
"agentIconSrcId": "",
"bubbleIconSrcId": "",
"localization": {
"learnMore": "Learn more",
"chatHome": {
"home": "Home",
"addDetails": "Add details",
"startConversation": "Start a conversation",
"starting": "Starting..."
"chatMessages": {
"messages": "Messages",
"noMessages": "No Messages",
"loginToSeeHistory": "Verify your email to save your conversation history.",
"historyShowsUpHere": "Your conversation history shows up here.",
"verifyEmail": "Verify your email",
"startConversation": "Start a conversation",
"starting": "Starting..."
"chatMessage": {
"botName": "Bot",
"yourName": "You",
"agentName": "Agent",
"escalationHeading": "Are you sure you want to escalate the chat to human support?",
"escalationSubHeading": "This conversation will be shared with the human support and they will get back to you as soon as they can.",
"yesContinue": "Yes, continue",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"conversationEscalated": "👨💼 Conversation changed to human mode"
"chatAccount": {
"account": "Account",
"verifyEmail": "Verify your email",
"loginToSeeHistory": "Verify your email to save your chat history.",
"emailLabel": "Email",
"nameLabel": "Name",
"phoneLabel": "Phone Number",
"sendingOtp": "Sending OTP...",
"verifyOtp": "Verify OTP",
"sentOtpToEmail": "We sent the OTP to your email address",
"otp": "OTP",
"verifyAndContinue": "Verify & Continue",
"notReceivedOtpYet": "Didn't receive OTP yet?",
"resend": "Resend",
"editDetails": "Edit Details",
"resetting": "Resetting...",
"verifying": "Verifying...",
"logout": "Logout",
"loggingOut": "Logging out...",
"verified": "Verified",
"edit": "Edit",
"update": "Update",
"updating": "Updating..."
"systemPrompt": "You are a funny AI assistant and you answer the user queries based on the website content. Include jokes in your answer.",
"userPrompt": "You are an AI assistant who answers user questions based on the website content. Answer the questions in the same language as the language of the question.",
"promptId": "78ac8ecd-d889-4700-8c8c-162c92731ff9",
"historyCount": 4,
"temperature": 1,
"topK": 3,
"gptModel": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
"collectUserDetails": "DO_NOT_COLLECT",
"collectUserData": {
"name": false,
"phone": false
"creativity": "conservative",
"webhookUrl": "https://example.com",
"webhookToken": "abc123",
"extraData": "",
"metadata": {
"key1": "value1"
"customContent": null